Our program is based on stimulation, facilitation, and support for adults with psychiatric disorders to help them break the custodial chain between consumers and providers. Our program guidelines go in-depth about personal, programmatic, and systemic perspectives. It is developed as follows:


When an individual is initially assessed for needs, the clinicians emphasize the most important part of the treatment and transition to recovery. This refers to the consumer leading, controlling, exercising choice over, and determining their own path of recovery by maximizing autonomy, self-agency, and independence.

Individualized and Person-Centered

There are multiple pathways to recovery based on the individual’s unique needs, preferences, and experiences, including past trauma, and cultural backgrounds in all of its diverse representations. Individuals also identify recovery as being an ongoing journey, an end result, as well as an overall paradigm for achieving optimal mental health.


One of the focuses of CITYWIDE’s plan for recovery is to educate individuals about their authority to exercise choices and make decisions that impact their lives, and to support them in doing so.


Recovery encompasses the varied aspects of an individual’s life, including mind, body, spirit, and community. These include such factors as housing, employment, education, mental health and healthcare services, complementary and naturalistic services, addictions treatment, spirituality, creativity, social networks, community participation, and family supports as determined by the person.

CITYWIDE COMMUNITY COUNSELING SERVICES, INC has developed many programs (groups) to assist in integrating families into various methodical systems. These systems are directed to family first, prioritizing community interaction and skills development that will serve as collateral for their future.


Recovery is not a step-by-step process, but one based on continual growth, occasional setbacks, and learning from these experiences. After a lengthy process to recovery and a period of no longer than a year, our program directors and team of professionals review each one of the recorded files, with the history of each one of the members serviced, to determine the effectiveness of treatment and recommend changes if necessary.


As described previously, our Adult Services Recovery focus is on valuing and building on the multiple strengths, resiliency, coping abilities, inherent worth, and capabilities of each one individually.

Peer Support

Our team of Peer Specialists has an invaluable role of mutual support wherein consumers encourage other consumers in recovery while providing a sense of belongingness, supportive relationships, valued roles, and community recognition and promotion.


Not only does Citywide promote awareness of respect for others, but we also emphasize and provide detailed orientation and information for members and, of course, assist them with resources that could direct them to proper assistance as needed. Our clinicians also promote community, systems, and societal acceptance and appreciation of others—including the protection of consumer rights and the elimination of discrimination and stigma—which are crucial in achieving recovery. Self-acceptance and regaining one’s belief in oneself is also vital, as is respect for others.


Even though members with mental health issues might have limited comprehension, Citywide professionals encourage each and every individual according to age to take responsibility to care of themselves and participate actively in treatment. Having personal responsibility for their own self-care and journeys to recovery is crucial. This involves taking steps toward one’s goals that may require great courage.


Through an enormous and rigorous effort to maintain our professional staff well-trained and informed, Citywide has focused on reinforcing the importance of hope. Citywide Recovery and Resilience plans provide the essential and motivating message that people can and do overcome the barriers and obstacles that confront them. There are increasing numbers of evaluation tools available that focus on recovery indicators and outcomes in treatment settings and services. Regular evaluation of services provides not only quality assurance but also benchmarks for progress in transformation and a pool of evidence that demonstrates program effectiveness.

Programs and Services:

  • Individual Psychotherapy
  • Psychiatric Evaluation
  • Psychiatric Medication Management
  • Group Therapy
  • Holistic Support Group
  • Women’s Empowerment Support Group
  • Individual Reintegration/Workforce Programs
  • Social Services/Case Management
  • Couples Therapy
  • Family Therapy

Despite the highly unique nature of each person’s journey to recovery, there are remarkable similarities that people experience in this process. Our treatment plans and interventions are developed individually and, of course, according to the member’s needs.

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